Ways of Being Co-op
No matter what we do, they are the way we do it…
Do What Matters Most
- What matters most is ensuring that our students achieve the best possible outcomes.
- We make a positive difference to our children through showing exemplary professional behaviours.
Be Yourself, Always
- We bring our best self, so that we each contribute a bit of our own unique Co-op difference, and respect others for doing the same.
- We understand that we are all unique and bring our own strengths to work.
Show You Care
- We care about our Co-op, our colleagues, our members, our students, their parents and communities, now and for the future.
- Our focus remains on doing our best for our children.
Succeed Together
• Co-operating is what makes us different; we’re better and stronger when we work together.
• We recognise that what we achieve is achieved together.