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Early Years Admissions Policy 2023 to 2024

Early Years Admissions Policy

September 2024


Co-op Academy Medlock has both a provision for 2 and 3 year olds (Nursery 1) as well as a traditional Nursery setting for 3 and 4 year olds (Nursery 2).

Nursery 1 offers 15 hours funded places as well as paid places.

Nursery 2 offers full-time education to all children invited to attend our Nursery. However, in order to sustain this we require parents to check their eligibility for funding of 30 hours childcare to be paid to the school. Any eligible parents must apply for the funding and provide an eligibility code to the school in the requested format. Parents are also required to renew this code as and when notified by HMRC and the school.

No child will be excluded based on not being eligible for funding.

Parents / Guardians can complete an application form for a place in either nursery 1 or 2 as soon as their child is born.

Submitting an application form does not guarantee a place for your child. Nursery 1

Nursery 1 is Co-op Academy Medlock’s provision for 2 and 3 year olds.

Children will be offered a place (usually the term after) their second birthday. Children can not access a place before they are two years old.

Admissions take place termly. In-year admissions are possible only when places are unfilled.

Funded places are available for 2 year olds who are eligible for 15 hours free funding (please see the Childcare Choices website to check your eligibility). 

All placement timings must match the session timing - morning sessions being 8.45 -11.45 am and afternoon sessions 12.30 to 3.30 pm. The 15 hours funding can not be used to cover wrap around care (time outside the session times). 

Evidence / Codes must be made available to prove eligibility. Failure to provide codes will result in the full charge for the place being made to families (see costs below). 

For those children who are not eligible for the free 2 year old funding, the cost for children to attend the provision is £175.00 per week (5 Sessions). This charge is maintained until they are able to access their entitlement to 15 hours when they turn 3. 

Children can either be part time (15 hours funded or paid) or full time (30 hours funded and paid or fully paid). Sessions run from 8.45 -11.45 am or 12.30 to 3.30 pm.

Flexible bookings (different time slots and different hours) can only be facilitated if pupil numbers allow this. 

Full time (30 hour) placements can only be offered if there are places available. The additional hours will be chargeable (£175.00 per week - 15 hours). 

Wrap around care is also available, the following charges apply £3.00 per half hour and £5.00 per hour. 

Hot food can be provided for all Nursery 1 pupils. Lunch cost £2.40 per day (£12.00 per week). Children may be eligible for free school meals from the age of 3 years old. The school office can help you to check to see if you are eligible. 

All payments should be in advance - see payment methods in the appendix. Nursery 2 

Our Nursery 

Medlock can accommodate 60 full time places. Depending on demand there will be either 45 or 60 fulltime places available for nursery age children (aged 3 & 4). This is decided prior to the September intake. All places begin in September but if spaces are available, a mid year start is possible. 

Entitlement to a Nursery Education 

All 3 and 4 year old children in England are entitled to a 15 hours free funded place per week. This is known as universal childcare. In addition, some 3 and 4 year old children may be eligible for a further 15 hours funding which is known as extended free childcare. 

Eligibility criteria for extra 15 hours extended childcare & how to apply 

You will be eligible for the extended free childcare if the criteria below is applicable to you: 

both parents must be working (or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family), and each parent earns a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum wage or living wage, and less than £100,000 per year. working will include employed and self-employed persons. 

in general families where one parent does not work (or neither parent works) will not be eligible for these additional hours. 

both parents are employed but one or both parents are temporarily away from the workplace on parental, maternity or paternity leave. 

both parents are employed but one or both parents is temporarily away from the workplace on adoption leave. 

both parents are employed but one or both parents is temporarily away from the workplace on statutory sick pay. 

One parent is employed and one parent has substantial caring responsibilities based on specific benefits received for caring or one parent is

employed and one parent is disabled or incapacitated based on receipt of specific benefits. 

If you think you meet the eligibility criteria please apply online: 

If you are eligible you will be given a code; this code must then be given to the school to reserve and retain your nursery place. You will need to re-register every 3 months and provide this unique code to the school every 3 months to maintain your nursery place. 

Failure to re-register and provide the unique code to the school may result in families being liable to be charged for their child’s nursery place (charged in line with the Non Manchester Resident charges below) or your nursery place being withdrawn. It usually takes 20 minutes to apply. You may find out if you’re eligible straight away, but it can take up to 7 days. 

The website is: (or just type into Google ‘apply for free childcare’ and the website will be listed). 


The responsibility for determining the admissions for nursery age children lies with the Co-op Academy Medlockl. 

These places are available to Manchester residents based upon the definitions as detailed at the end of this policy. Proof of address will be required. 

We do not offer any part time nursery places. 

An offer of a Nursery place will be subject to the family attending an initial parents meeting at the school and also Nursery staff conducting a home visit. 

You will be required to share your employment circumstances and complete any 

application forms enabling the school to receive funding. Failure to comply with this will mean that we may withdraw our offer of a place. 


The Governors use the following criteria when prioritising applications:- 

1. Looked after Children. 

2. Children with a sibling who will be attending the school at the time of admission. 

3. Children living closest to the school (distance is measured in a straight line from the home address to the centre of the school.) 

4. Manchester residents who live outside the school’s area 

5. Non-Manchester residents (fees will apply).


Parents can put their child’s name on the waiting list for Nursery by completing the relevant form at the School Office. Being placed on the waiting list does not guarantee a place in the Nursery. Places will be allocated using the admission criteria detailed in this policy. Please note that places are not offered on a first come first served basis. 

Attendance in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the Reception class. Parent’s must apply for Reception places to Manchester City Council - inline with the attendance policy. Staff will support families to successfully complete this process in a line with the deadline. 

Once offered a place a meeting will be held in order for all paperwork to be completed. 



A Manchester resident is determined by postcode and the Council that the property of residence is aligned to. For example; M40 and M9 residents pay their council tax to Manchester City Council which means they are Manchester Residents*. A resident of M24 or M25 is aligned to Rochdale and Bury Councils as this is where council tax payments are made. As such residents in these areas are not Manchester Residents. 


You may be offered a full time place, subject to availability, if your child has a sibling in our main school. 15 hours will be funded by Universal Free Child Care and the additional 15 hours childcare will be funded by the family at a cost of £7.50 per session. 


Invoices for payment of Nursery 1 or the additional 15 hours childcare for non Manchester residents will be issued monthly, in advance. The first month’s payment will be due immediately. Payments can only be made by BACS or ParentPay. We can issue a PayPoint barcode if you need to pay by cash. 

The Headteacher and Governing Body reserve the right to amend the frequency of invoicing. If a child is absent, refunds or reductions are not available. (Nursery costs do not reduce if your child is absent). 

To see if you can claim any help with your childcare costs see 


Any invoices not paid will become nursery fee arrears. Failure to pay arrears within 2 weeks will result in the child’s additional sessions at the Nursery being withdrawn. 

You may however be eligible to claim for the further 15 hours extended free child care as detailed earlier. 

Please see the above and also log onto 

Get Tax-Free Childcare: step by step - GOV.UK