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First Aid Policy 2024-2025

                                   First Aid Policy

Issue 1   |  5th May 2024-2025

Co-op Academy Medlock

Wadeson Road, Manchester

0161 273 1830 

First Aid Policy

Approving Body:


Next review:  

This policy is written following the guidelines given in the document ‘Guidance on First Aid for Schools’ published by the DfE.

It is Co-op Academy Medlock’s responsibility to provide adequate and appropriate first aid to pupils, staff, parents and visitors and to put the procedures in place to meet this responsibility.


  • To identify the first aid needs of the school in line with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
  • To ensure that the provision is available at all times while people are on school premises, off the premises whilst on school visits and on the journeys to and from school for those pupils travelling in school arranged transport.


  • To appoint the appropriate number of suitably trained people as Appointed Persons and First Aiders to meet the needs of the school.
  • To provide relevant training and ensure monitoring of training needs.
  • To provide sufficient and appropriate resources and facilities.
  • To inform staff and parents of the School’s First Aid arrangements.
  • To keep accident records and to report to the HSE as required under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations1995.


1.1 The purpose of this First Aid Policy is to enable the school to effectively meet the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and in doing so to:

  • Provide for the immediate needs and requirements of staff and pupils who have sustained either a serious or a minor injury
  • Ensure that adequate resources and arrangements are in place to deal with injuries/accidents as they arise
  • Ensure lines of communication with parents/guardians are in place if required
  • Activate a known plan of action with which all staff are familiar

           1.2.  The School shall inform employees of the first-aid provisions made for staff, including the position of equipment, facilities and names of designated first aiders.

1.3 The treatment of minor illness by the administration of medicines and tablets falls outside of the definition of first aid in the Regulations and the School will not permit the presence of any such medication in designated first-aid boxes.


2.1 ‘First aid’ means medical treatment for an injured person for the purpose of preserving and stabilising life and minimising the consequences of injury or illness until further medical treatment can be administered.

2.2 ‘First aider’ means: a person who holds a valid First Aid at Work Certificate or equivalent qualification.


  • The overall responsibility for the day-to-day management of school rests with the Head teacher.
  • The class teacher is responsible for classroom supervision and all staff on break duty are directly responsible for the supervision of pupils at break time.
  • The school's Health and Safety Officer is the School Business Manager.

The School Business manager is responsible for ensuring training is up to date.


4.1 The Head Teacher shall make an assessment of first-aid needs appropriate to the circumstances of the school. The Head Teacher will need to assess what facilities and personnel are appropriate, and to justify the level of first aid provision. Where necessary and relevant, all staff will be trained on how to administer aspects of first aid e.g. epi-pens.

4.2 Where the first-aid assessment identifies a need for employees to be trained as first aiders, the Head Teacher shall ensure they are provided in sufficient numbers at appropriate locations to enable first aid to be administered without delay should the occasion arise. All designated first aiders must re-qualify every 3 years. This means re-qualifying before the end of the third year when the certificate is no longer valid. It is the responsibility of the School Business Manager to ensure they are booked onto the course before cancellation of the certificate.

4.3 All staff will ensure that they have read the school’s First Aid Policy.


5.1 It shall be the responsibility of the School Business Manager, delegated to the named First Aid Lead member of staff, to ensure the provision of materials, equipment and facilities needed for the level of cover required. This will include ensuring that first-aid equipment, suitably marked and easily accessible, is available in the agreed designated areas listed in item 6.2 below. Where additional or replacement material or equipment is required the named member of staff with delegated responsibility will place this order with the Office Staff. The named member of staff with delegated responsibility will also ensure that all out of date items are discarded and replaced. These need to be checked on a regular basis i.e termly.


6.1 All School medical boxes that are kept within the classroom with children’s inhalers are identified with a red cross on them. First aid bags and boxes around the premises are identified with a white cross and green background. This conforms to the Safety Signs and Safety Signals Regulations.

6.2 Each fixed box should be placed where it can be clearly identified and readily accessible. Portable First Aid Boxes are located:

  • in the main school office
  • Y1-3 corridor
  • Y4-6 corridor
  • in each Early Years classroom
  • Portable First Aid kits are taken on educational visits and are available from the school office

6.3 The boxes should contain a sufficient quantity of suitable first-aid materials. According to DFE guidance, as a minimum, First Aid Boxes should contain: micropore, scissors, triangular bandage, wound dressing, instant ice pack and gloves. No medicinal substance or materials are permitted within a first-aid box. This includes items such as antiseptic sprays, lotions, suntan oil, etc.

6.4 Individually wrapped sterile moist wipes, not impregnated with alcohol or antiseptic, may be used.

6.5 Blunt ended stainless steel scissors should be kept in the boxes in case there is the possibility that clothing may have to be cut away prior to first aid treatment.

6.6 Where tap water is not available for use as an eye wash only sterile water, sterile normal saline or sterile normal saline eye irrigation should be provided near the first-aid box. Eye baths/cups/refillable containers should not be used for eye irrigation.

6.7 Where medicines have to be held by a manager for safety/security reasons, the separate lockable container must be used. This is in the school office. A register of contents must be kept up to date.

Any person may dispense medicines if they have permission from their line manager to do so.


7.1 According to DFE guidance, where first-aid needs to be administered in a room, it should be administered in the school office or another room which will:

(a ) be large enough to hold necessary equipment;

(b) have washable surfaces and adequate heating, ventilation and lighting;

(c) be kept clean, tidy at all times;

(d) be positioned as near as possible to a point of access for transport to hospital;

(e) display a notice on the door advising of the names, locations and telephone

numbers of first aiders

(f) have a sink (with hot and cold water if possible);

(g) have drinking water and disposable cups;

(h) have soap and paper towels;

(i) have a suitable container (preferably foot operated) lined with disposable waste bags

The office has:

(j) a store for first-aid materials;

(k) a telephone or other communication equipment; and

(l) disposable gloves and aprons should be provided near the first-aid box. These will be used to protect the first aider from contact with body fluids.

(m) a record of incidents which are held on Arbor.

At all times the dignity and feelings of the patient must be respected.


8.1 The School Business Manager will arrange training for the qualification and requalification of first aiders.

8.2 Before being nominated the designated first aider by their manager, a first aider must hold a valid First Aid at Work Certificate of competence or an equivalent qualification. In the event of an unqualified person being nominated to be responsible for first-aid duties, they will be required to undergo a suitable course of training.


9.1 There shall normally be a minimum of 2 first aiders or appointed persons within the school between 8:00am and 3:30pm. At least one first aider will be available at playtimes and there will always be a first aider in the office in lesson time.

9.2 Consideration must also be made to ensure first-aid cover during absences, such as annual leave and sickness. This is the responsibility of the School Business Manager.


Any pupil complaining of illness or who has been injured is sent to the School Office during lesson times and to the first aid station during lunchtime for the qualified First Aider(s) to inspect and, where appropriate, treat. Constant supervision will be provided. Should the child be too ill to stay at school, parents should be contacted as soon as possible so that the child can be collected and taken home.

10.1 Minor Accidents and Injuries

The adult in charge initially looks after the injured party. If deemed necessary, a person other than the teacher will take the child to the ‘First Aid Station'. No medicines are administered but cuts are cleaned with sterile un-medicated wipes and bandages are applied if deemed appropriate. The use of disposable plastic gloves is mandatory at all times. All accidents are recorded on Arbor by the first aider, parents are always contacted by automated first aid messages. For head injuries, or more significant incidents, a phone call home is made.

Minor Cuts and Bruises Method: In all cases of injury it is understood that there is at least one adult present:

• A first aider should administer first aid if appropriate. If the first aider is not available, any member of staff may clean the wound.

 • Class teacher is informed by the first aider.

• Teacher observation is maintained

 • Children are advised to show/tell parents


A first aider should administer first aid if appropriate. If the first aider is not available, any member of staff may implement the process of rest, ice, compress and elevate in doubt, parent/s are contacted

  • Teacher observation is maintained

10.2 More Serious Accidents and Injuries

If considered safe to do so, the injured party is taken to the school office or the First Aid Station. Parents are immediately informed, particularly if there is a suspicion of broken bones/head or eye injuries. The child is kept under close observation until parents arrive, with the emphasis on making the child as comfortable and as settled as possible.


  • If a case is serious, parent/s are contacted – no stings should be removed.

Faints and Shocks

  • A first aider should administer first aid if appropriate. If the first aider is not available, any member of staff may implement the process of:

• Lie the casualty down

• Raise the legs above the level of the heart

• Loosen any tight clothing

• Ensure there is fresh air

• Keep crowds away

• Reassure casualty when they recover

• Contact parents – the pupil should go home

10.3 Very Serious Injuries

In the event of a very serious injury, parents/guardians are immediately contacted. If the considered opinion of the staff is that immediate professional help is required, an ambulance is called. Parents are kept informed of developing situations. Very serious injuries are considered to be:

Severe Bleeding Burns/Scalds Unconsciousness

The event is subsequently recorded in the Accident Report Book

The First Aid Policy is based on collective teacher input. All staff automatically assist the teacher on break duty and the first-aider in the case of a serious injury.


11.1 It shall be the responsibility of the School Business Manager or other nominated officer, to ensure that procedures are in place for the immediate recording of any injury as required by the Social Security Act 1975 and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. Details on the forms to be completed, time scales for completion and distribution and who is to be notified, are shown on the health & safety policy.

11.2 After administering treatment, first aiders will ensure they adhere to the School arrangements for record keeping and accident reporting, as detailed below. Each first aider must receive appropriate instruction to enable them to carry out this responsibility during first-aid training.

11.3 All incidents, injuries, head injuries, ailments and treatment are reported on Arbor which will be kept in the school office.

The information recorded will include

i) date, time and place of incident;

ii) name and, where relevant, job title of the injured or ill person;

iii) details of the injury/illness and what first aid was given;

iv) what happened to the person immediately afterwards e.g. went home, went

back to lessons, went to hospital, etc; and

v) name and signature of the first aider or person dealing with the incident.

11.4 Parents are informed of a head injury by a phone call. They are also alerted to the incident with a bumped head sticker.

11.5 The Admin team contacts parents by phone if they have concerns about any injury.

11.6 Staff should complete the accident book if they sustain an injury at work.

An injured member of staff or other supervising adult should not continue to work if there is any possibility that further medical treatment is needed. The member of staff or other supervising adult concerned should seek medical advice without delay.


12.1 All staff must be informed of the location of first aiders, appointed persons, equipment and facilities.

12.2 The School Business Manager must ensure that a notice giving the names of first aiders, their location and the location of first-aid boxes, is posted in each of the following locations:

  • Staffroom
  • School Office
  • Main Hall

Notices will be inspected and kept up-to-date by the School Business Manager as part of the regular health and safety inspections.
