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Educational Visits 2024

Educational Visits Policy

Issue 1   |  20th April 2024

Co-op Academy Medlock

Wadeson Road, Manchester

0161 273 1830 


  1. Introduction
  2. Aims and Curriculum links
  3. Application
  4. Types of Visit and Approval
  5. Boundaries of the School Learning Area
  6. Timescales
  7. Roles and Responsibilities
  8. Staff Competence
  9. Educational Visits Checklist
  10. Staffing and Pupil Ratios
  11. Parental Consent
  12. Inclusion
  13. Medication
  14. Charging/funding for visits
  15. Transport
  16. Insurance
  17. Emergency Procedure


  1. Introduction

We believe that educational visits are an integral part of the entitlement of every pupil to an effective and balanced curriculum. Appropriately planned visits enhance learning and improve attainment, and so form a key part of what makes Co op Academy Medlock a supportive and effective learning environment.


In this policy we seek to establish a clear and coherent structure for the planning and evaluation of our off-site visits and to ensure that any risks are managed and kept to a minimum for the safety and health of all pupils at all times. Within these limits we seek to make our visits available to all pupils and wherever possible, to make them accessible to those with disabilities. The visits usually take place within the school day but on occasions can take place after school.

Each visit  must be approved by the Trust as the employer.  Co-op Academies Trust has adopted the “National guidance for the management of outdoor learning, off-site visits and learning outside the classroom” ( as its source of guidance and good practice for educational visits and activities. In this document this is referred to as ‘National Guidance’.

  1. Aims and curriculum links

The aims of our off-site visits are to:

  • enhance curricular and recreational opportunities for our pupils;
  • provide a wider range of experiences for our pupils than could be provided on the school site alone;
  • promote the independence of our children as learners, and enable them to grow and develop in new learning environments.


All visits link to the curriculum and offer children the chance to apply or experience elements of their learning as well as providing hooks to draw them into a subject.

  1. Application

 Any visit that leaves the school grounds is covered by this policy, whether as part of the curriculum, during school time, or outside the normal school day.

This Educational Visits Policy should be read in conjunction with:

  1. The Co-op Academies Trust policy document ‘Educational visits statement’ (available to all staff via Evolve).
  2. National Guidance

 Co-op Academy Medlock uses EVOLVE  to plan for off-site activities and for all educational visits.

All staff are required to plan and execute visits in line with school policy (i.e. this document), the Co-op Academies Trust policies and National Guidelines. Staff are particularly directed to be familiar with the roles and responsibilities outlined within the guidance.


4. Types of Visit and  Approval

There are three ‘types’ of visit:

  1. Visits/activities within the ‘School Learning Area’ that are part of the normal curriculum and take place during the normal school day. These follow the ‘School Learning Area’ Operating Procedure (See Boundaries). These are not entered on EVOLVE.
  2. Other non-residential visits within the UK that do not involve an adventurous activity. These are entered on EVOLVE by the visit leader and submitted to the EVC for checking. The EVC then submits to the Head for approval.Visits that are overseas, residential, or involve an adventurous activity.
  3. Adventurous activity, this includes Forest School’s use of tools and fires, which are treated as above. The Head authorises and then submits to the Trust for approval.

 5. Boundaries of the School Learning Area

The boundaries of the School Learning Area are listed. This area includes, but is not limited to, the following frequently used venues:

  • Brunswick Church
  • Brunswick Village (Residential Home)
  • Ardwick Green Park
  • Gartside Gardens

The following are potentially significant issues/hazards within our School Learning Area:

  • Road traffic.
  • Other people / members of the public / animals.
  • Losing a pupil.
  • Uneven surfaces and slips, trips,
  • Weather conditions.
  • Activity specific issues when doing environmental fieldwork (nettles, brambles,rubbish, etc).

Areas open to general public e.g. Vallance Medical Centre or near Tesco Express

These are managed by a combination of the following:

  • Only staff judged competent to supervise groups in this environment are approved. A current list of approved staff is maintained by the EVC and office.
  • The concept and Operating Procedure of the ‘School Learning Area’ is explained to all new parents when their child joins the school, and in the application pack.
  • The pupil to adult ratio is followed.
  •  Staff are familiar with the area, including any ‘no go areas’, and have practised appropriate group management techniques.
  •  Pupils have been trained and have practised standard techniques for road crossings in a group. Class teachers model how to cross the road before a trip commences in the class safety briefing.
  • Where appropriate, pupils are fully briefed on what to do if they become separated from the group.  
  • All remotely supervised work in the School Learning Area is done in ‘buddy’ pairs as a minimum.
  • Pupils’ clothing and footwear is checked for appropriateness prior to leaving school.
  • Staff are aware of any relevant pupil medical information and ensure that any required medication is available.
  • Staff will deposit in the office a list of all pupils and staff, a proposed route, and an estimated time of return.
  • The office has a note of the mobile number for the group leader.
  • Appropriate personal protective equipment is taken when needed.
  • All staff meet and go through the route so it is really clear for all staff the specific roads and stopping/check points.

6. Timescales

Co-op Academy Medlock uses the Evolve system to plan, manage and record educational visits.

Visit Leaders should plan and prepare visits allowing time for internal and external vetting and approval as required. Normally this will mean that visit plans should be submitted to the EVC by the following deadlines:

  • 3 to 6 months before departure for Overseas Visits
  • 4 weeks before departure for Residentials
  • 4 weeks before departure for Adventure Activities-including visits to a trampoline park
  • 2 weeks before departure for other types of visit

If for any reason these deadlines cannot be met, clarification and approval should be sought from the EVC.

7. Roles and responsibilities

Visit leaders are responsible for the planning of their visits, and for entering these on EVOLVE (where required). They should obtain outline permission for a visit from the Head Teacher or EVC prior to planning, and certainly before making any financial commitments. Visit leaders have responsibility for ensuring that their visits will comply with all relevant guidance and requirements.

The Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) is Rifat Mirza, who will support and challenge colleagues over visits and learning outside the classroom (LOtC) activities. The EVC is the first point of contact for advice on visit related matters, and will check final visit plans on EVOLVE before submitting them to the Head. . The EVC sets up and manages the staff accounts on EVOLVE, and uploads generic school documents, etc. 

The Head Teacher has responsibility for authorising all visits, and for submitting all overseas, residential or adventurous activity visits to the Trust for approval, via EVOLVE.

The Governing Body’s role is that of a ‘critical friend’ and it will:

  1. Adopt and periodically review this policy, as required.
  2. Ensure there is a competent Educational Visit Coordinator (EVC) in place who meets the requirements outlined in ‘National Guidance’ and has completed the Trust EVC Training Programme and any updates as required.

The Co-op Academy Trust is responsible for the final approval (via EVOLVE) of all visits that are either overseas, residential, and/or involve an adventurous activity.

8. Staff Competence

Co-op Academy Medlock recognises that staff competence is the single most important factor in the safe management of visits, and so we support staff in developing their competence in the following ways:

An apprenticeship system, where staff new to visits assist and work alongside experienced visit leaders before taking on a leadership role.

In deciding whether a member of staff is competent to be a visit leader, the Head Teacher will take into account the following factors:

  • Relevant experience.
  • Previous relevant training.
  • The prospective leader’s ability to make dynamic risk management  judgements, and take charge in the event of an emergency.
  • Knowledge of the pupils, the venue, and the activities to be undertaken.

9.  Educational Visits Checklist

Co-op Academy Medlock’s Educational Visits Checklist forms part of the risk management process for visits and off-site activities. This has been adapted from the National Guidance generic checklist. A visit should usually only go ahead if the answer to all relevant questions is ‘YES’. Co-op Academy Medlocks Educational Visits Checklist may be downloaded from EVOLVE Resources.  

The checklist can be used as a tool or aide-memoire to assist the EVC/visit leader in the planning process. 

10. Staffing and Pupil ratios


Under 3 year olds


4-5 year olds


Years 1-2 (KS1)


Years 3-6 (KS2)

1:10  when travelling by coach

1:8 when walking


Children with additional needs MUST be considered when planning ratios. This should be addressed in the risk assessment and planning. Where a child needs closer support, the adult providing the support should not be included in the general ratios.

 11. Parental Consent

Consent is not required for activities within the School Learning Area that are part of the normal curriculum during normal school time.

Specific, parental consent must be obtained for all other visits. For these visits, sufficient information must be made available to parents through Arbor, Dojo, meetings, etc, so that consent is given on a ‘fully informed’ basis.

12. Inclusion

Co op Academy Medlock is committed to inclusion and will include all students in our offsite activities wherever this is reasonably practicable. We may seek guidance from parents to help us adapt our programme and we will make any reasonable adjustments to our itinerary to include a child with disabilities. Any such adjustments will be included in the risk assessment.

We ensure inclusion and comply with the Equality Act 2010. Refer to document 3.2e.

13. Medication

All medication that needs to be taken by a child to be supervised by an adult responsible for first aid or trip group leader. Additional parental consent is needed to administer any medication on the trip.

All medication to be taken on trips be held centrally by an adult responsible for first aid or with the group leader.

All medication is to be included on the Risk Assessment which includes the child's name, what is needed, how it should be administered, where it will be located.  

A first aider to accompany on each trip.

14. Charging and funding for visits

We follow the Trust’s Policy for Charges and Remissions.

We make it explicitly very clear that any contributions are voluntary; that children of parents/carers who do not make a contribution will not be discriminated against.

If a trip is dependent on voluntary contributions and if insufficient contributions are received the trip may be cancelled.

We charge for:

  • Academy trips and residential experiences in Academy time: the board and lodging element of the residential experience and outdoor pursuit courses;
  • Activities outside Academy hours: the full cost for each student of journeys, trips and overnight stays in the United Kingdom and abroad which take place at weekends and during holidays, which are deemed to be optional extras;

Refer to document 3.2c

15. Transport


Transport arrangements will allow a seat for each member of the party. It is our policy only to use coaches fitted with seat or lap belts and to insist that they be worn by all those participating in the visit.


Private cars are not used for school trips.

Where taxis and private hire firms are used, risk assessments should stipulate how children are safeguarded with particular reference to ensure drivers are never allowed to have unsupervised contact with the children they are driving. There will be two members of adults supervising the transport of pupils per taxi.  

16. Insurance

Visits are normally covered under policies arranged through the Co-op Academies Trust.

17. Emergency Procedure


All adults accompanying the children on a trip must be made aware, by the group leader, of the emergency procedures in place. Each adult should be provided with an emergency telephone number. This will normally be the school number but where an activity extends beyond the normal school day, the home telephone number of a designated emergency contact should be provided.

Before a party leaves school, the school office should be provided with a list of everyone, children and adults, travelling with the party.

The safety of the party (especially the children) is of paramount importance. During the activity, the group leader must take whatever steps are necessary to ensure safety. This involves taking note of any information provided by medical questionnaire returns and ensuring that children are both safe and well looked after at all times.


Prior to an activity, if it is felt that the behaviour of an individual child is likely to compromise the safety of others or the good name of the school, the group leader should discuss with the headteacher the possibility of making additional arrangements for that child.


 Our emergency response to an incident is based on the following key factors:

  1. There is always a nominated emergency base contact for any visit (during school hours this is the office).
  2. This nominated base contact will either be an experienced member of the senior management team, or will be able to contact an experienced senior manager at all times.
  3. For activities that take place during normal school hours, the visit group leader and team will be aware of any relevant medical information for all participants, including staff. A print out from EVOLVE to be taken on the trip.
  4. For activities that take place outside normal school hours, the visit group leader and the emergency contact/s will be aware of any relevant medical information and emergency contact information for all participants, including staff.
  5. The visit leader/s and the base contact/s know to request support from the Co-op Academy Trust in the event that an incident overwhelms the establishment’s emergency response capability, involves serious injury or fatality, or where it is likely to attract media attention.