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PSHE Award Winners 2024

Manchester Healthy School award winners 2024

On Tuesday 16th July 2024, Ms Duffy PSHE Lead and Ms Nutton-Jones were invited to the Manchester Healthy School awards. They were the PSHE Healthy School award winners! Ms Mirza  and Ms Brighouse DSL are also part of the personal development team involved in the planning and delivery of these lessons.

Our PSHE curriculum ensures each year group benefits from thorough planned pupil led sessions and circle times. At the end of the last academic year, we quality assured the impact of our PSHE sessions and in particular the range of opportunities and frequency of our pupil led sessions. Pupil voice is embedded without our teaching and learning. We felt as a school, it was vital to raise the status of child-led sessions. Our Year 6 Pupil Leaders actively attended the termly Voicebox Healthy Schools sessions and then disseminated the information to school council and classes.

MCR Healthy Schools said,

"For the award for PSHE, the winners are Co-op Academy Medlock, for their exceptional PSHE provision. You offer a whole school approach, supported by staff and students, and we are thrilled to have a chance to recognise that hard work with this award!"