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Safer Crossing Event


Today we made a stand!

Our students, staff and families held a protest today highlighting the lack of safe crossings for parents and children who attend our school.


Zoe Hopkins a staff member at Medlock and also a member of Ardiwck Climate Action said

"It was so wonderful to see all the planning and work together of different organisations such as Ardwick Climate and MCC to create a wonderful event that the children will remember for years to come. The children are aware of the issues with the climate and road safety in their community and want to make changes for the better. Hopefully, our stop the traffic event will be the start of a future crossing for Co-op Academy Medlock and the local area"


Gordon Flear a member of Ardwick Climate action and was part of planning the event said, 

"Working with the children and staff of Co-op Academy Medlock to raise awareness of road safety and the climate crisis was a joy. The crossing protest was brilliant and raised a lot of support from the drivers stood waiting, whilst the afternoon climate activities allowed the kids to look at some practical issues in the fight against climate change. We look forward to working with them again next term"

The students made banners and posters to protest with and chanted "We want a safer crossing and we want it now" 

To complement our morning of protest for Safe Crossing, the children in years 1-6 took part in an afternoon of exciting activities to help them understand how to help stop climate change and work towards a better environment in our school and local community.

You can view more of our event here in the Manchester Evening News